Youth Summit
Sunday 26th March 2023

Everything about young audiences, content for younger listeners and much more!

Everything you & your station, podcast, audio product need to know about Young Audiences! Everything about young audiences, content for younger listeners and much more!

Join this great Summit on Sunday to hear session on: A- Z of TIK TOK, Change or Die, Researching Youth Audiences, News for the next generation and Swipe Right – Ideas to fire your imagination!

Speaking at Radiodays Europe Youth Summit are:

Barbora Šichanová, Editor in Chief, Radio Wave, Czech Republic, Nessa McGann, Founder, McGann Media, Ireland, Dario Marčac, Crew Founder, Tik Tokker, Croatia, Joanne Sweeney, Founder, Digital Training, Ireland, Parasto Saeidi, Digital Producer, Swedish Radio, SR, Gabrielle Cummins, CEO, BEAT 102-103, Ireland, Niall Power, Head of Station Sound & Breakfast Host, BEAT 102-103, Ireland, Ella Squires, Marketing & Development Manager, News UK Podcasts, UK, Marlies Hartendorff, Head of Content, Q Music, the Netherlands, Angela Stengel, ABC, Australia, Anisha Ratan, Audience Research Manager, BBC, UK, Grace Jasper, Audience Research Manager, BBC, UK, Aslak Gottlieb, Journalism Lecturer, Media Research & Innovation Centre, University of Southern Denmark, Šimon Holy, Radio Host, Czech Radio

Youth Summit – Sunday @Radidoays Europe Prague 2023

Book as part of the RDE experience as part of your ticket booking or on a Sunday Summit only ticket:
75EUR + Czech VAT per Summit

12.00 – 12.20 Welcome to the Youth Summit
Keynote Czech Radio – Barbora Šichanová, Editor in Chief, Radio Wave, Czech Republic, Nessa McGann, Founder, McGann Media, Ireland
12.20 – 13.20 – A- Z of TIK TOK – Dario Marčac, Crew Founder, Tik Tokker, Croatia, Joanne Sweeney, Founder, Digital Training, Ireland, Parasto Saeidi, Digital Producer, Swedish Radio, SR
Learn how to use Tik Tok to engage your Audience. Practical Tips on how to use emerging social media to engage and embed your youth audience. This session will show you how to grow your reach and build your content through clever use of new and emerging social media and digital platforms.
13.20 – 14.30 – Change or Die – Gabrielle Cummins, CEO, BEAT 102-103, Ireland, Niall Power, Head of Station Sound & Breakfast Host, BEAT 102-103, Ireland, Ella Squires, Marketing & Development Manager, News UK Podcasts, UK, Marlies Hartendorff, Head of Content, Q Music, the Netherlands 
How to evolve and adapt your programming for youth audiences.
14.30 – 14.45 Break
15.00 – 15.45 – Researching Youth Audiences  – Anisha Ratan, Audience Research Manager, BBC, UK, Grace Jasper, Audience Research Manager, BBC, UK, Angela Stengel, ABC, Australia
International examples of Innovative methods to help you figure out what young people really want.
15.45 – 16.15 – News for the next generation – Aslak Gottlieb, Journalism Lecturer, Media Research & Innovation Centre, University of Southern Denmark
Seriously? Play the News! Find out why you should be focusing on the new generation of news for young people. 
16.15 – 16.45 Swipe Right – Ideas to fire your imagination! – Joanne Sweeney, Founder, Digital Media Academy, Ireland, Parasto Saeidi, Digital Producer, Swedish Radio, SR, Gabrielle Cummins, CEO, BEAT 102-103, Ireland, Ella Squires, Marketing & Development Manager, News UK Podcasts, UK
17.00 – Summit Ends


Want to know more about the speakers?

Youth Summit

Date: Sunday 26th March 2023

Venue: Czech Congress Centre

Registration opens: 9.00 am