Podcast Summit
Sunday 26th March 2023

A Summit for enthusiastic broadcasters and podcasters 

A Summit for enthusiastic broadcasters and podcasters – public service, commercial and independent – who want to hear about practical ways in which they can develop their podcast proposition

This Summit gives delegates practical advice on all areas of the podcasting supply chain: From new idea development, to the things you need to actually make a great podcast, through to promotion, social media and monetisation. 

Join this great Summit on Sunday to participante in session on: Starting a podcast, Making a podcast & Promoting a podcast – this is an in-depth look into all of these areas.

Speaking at Radiodays Europe Podcast Summit are:

Sam Bonham, BBC, UK, James Cridland, Founder & Editor, Podnews, UK, Eric Nuzum, Co-Founder, Magnificent Noise & Creator of Iconic Podcasts, USA, Leanne Alie, Podcast Producer & Presenter, BBC, UK, Lene Heiselberg, Audience Researcher, University of Southern Denmark, Camilla Sager, Owner, Koncept Kommunication, Stephanie Donovan, Global Head of Revenue, Triton Digital, USA, Daniel Karlsson, VP Market Development EMEA – APAC & Global Strategy, Triton Digital, USA Arielle Nissenblatt, Founder EarBuds Collective. & Head of Community and Content Squadcast.fm, USA, Andrew Davies, ABC


Podcast Summit – Sunday @Radidoays Europe Prague 202

12.00 – 13.30 Part 1: Starting a Podcast

In part 1 of the Podcast Summit, delegates will hear about the shape of the podcast market, how to come up with a strong podcast idea and format, and how to build a team. 

12.00 – 12.05 – Introduction (Sam Bonham, BBC)

12.05 – 12.30 – What is happening in the podcast market? (James Cridland, Podnews)

12.30 – 12.55 – How to come up with a great podcast idea (Eric Nuzum, Author)

12.55 – 13.20 – Pitching your podcast idea (Leanne Alie, BBC) 

13.20 – 13.30 – Group discussion (Everyone)

13.30 – 13.45 – Break and Networking

13.45 – 15.15 – Part 2: Making a Podcast

In part 2 of the summit, delegates will hear practical advice from specialists on how to make a great podcast, with a focus on sound quality, narrative arcs and podcast titles and descriptions. 

13.45 – 13.50 – Introduction

13.50 – 14.15 – How To Build A Narrative Story Arc (Lene Heiselberg, University of Southern Denmark)

14.15 – 14.40 – How to make your podcast sound great (Axel Kacoutié, Guardian Audio)

14.40 – 15.05 – How to write great podcast copy (Camilla Sager, Owner Concept Communication)

14.05 – 15.15 – Group discussion (Everyone)

15.00 – 15.15 Break and Networking

15.15 – 16.00 – Part 3: Promoting a Podcast

In part 3 of the summit, delegates will hear how to successfully distribute and promote their podcast. 

15.15 – 15.20 Introduction

15.20 – 15.45 How to earn money from your podcast (Stephanie Donovan & Daniel Karlsson, Triton Digital)

15.45 – 16.10 How to use social media to promote your podcast (Arielle Nissenblatt, Squadcast)

Group discussion

16.10 – 16.30 – Conclusion

In this final part of the summit, all of the speakers will discuss some of the issues which have been mentioned. 

16.10 – 16.30 – Group discussion (Everyone)

Want to know more about the speakers?

Podcast Summit

Date: Sunday 26th March 2023

Venue: Prague Congress Centre 

Session Starts: 12.30 – 16.30 (Registration opens: 9.00)